Monday, May 31, 2010

Thanks Dave

I would like to thank Dave Orvis for proving my point. Oddly enough he gets the point of this blog - The anti-crank crank - without getting it.

I think that his blog should be reading materiel for anyone studying logic or debate. His logical fallacies, re-framing of arguments and spurious statements are the stuff of legend. Here he welcomes me to the blogosphere:

editors note: Ouch! Note the savage use of the Microsoft Bean. One of Dave's favorite and most potent tools in his arsenal. Back to the blog:

"Let's face it. It's easy to label your opponent, it's harder to debate them.

Which is why I find Michael Young's new blog so darn funny! I am adding it to my links below.

Michael Young divides folks into two categories: those who are agreeable, and those who are cranks.

And guess what category I fall into? And guess what category he believes he falls into.

In fact, he has decided to name his blog, "The Anti-Crank Shaft". Apparently, he plans on dealing with us "cranks."

I have watched Michael Young over the years. He's a taller building proponent through and through, and he is clearly upset that he is not getting his way.

My recent encounter with him occurred during the interview to fill a concil vacancy. Mr. Young applied for the position. He made a point in the interview of criticizing the council for engaging in personal attacks, and then, after I asked him for an example, he engaged in a personal attack against me!

In short, Mr. Young isn't an "anti-crank", he just another crank posing as an anti-crank. He wines about public comment being civil, yet he cannot seem to produce civil discourse on his own.

Mr. Young, I know that I sometimes let my passions get the better of me. Maybe you should start by making the same confession, too. Then, start arguing for what you think needs to be changed (which is the desire for taller buildings). I think you'll find it's a more constructive way to deal with your frustrations. "

- Dave Orvis 11:24 am 31 May 2010

1 comment:

  1. "logical fallacies"?

    Did you intend to provide any examples to back your claim?

    -Dave Orvis
