Thursday, May 27, 2010

I need another project.

Actually, I don't. I need another project like I need another hole in my head. But here I am.

I go through fits and starts with my public comments at city council and my level of involvement in local politics. Not because my passion waxes and wanes, but simply because I get too frustrated.

It seems to me that politics on a local level should be even more civil, more cooperative than on a bigger scale. Over the years the us vs. them mentality has gotten to a level that is beyond disgusting when we discuss national politics. If you do not conform to every line on a checklist you are no longer with me, but against me. Republicans vilify democrats and then the tea party turns on its parents. Everyone is embarrassed yet the seperations grow.

Sadly, that is the case even here in lovely Edmonds. Taking a page straight from the Karl Rove/Dick Cheney playbook many local officials take the tact that they know better than the sheep that they herd and they will do whatever it takes to move in the direction they see fit. Facts do not get in the way of their beliefs, and if they say a thing enough times, it must be true.

I like to believe that we all have the ultimate same end game in sight - continue to make Edmonds a beautiful place to live and work. I just disagree with those that seem determined to destroy it in order to save it.

I think Ted Kennedy and Orrin Hatch proved that we could disagree without being disagreeable. Perhaps we will reach that level here soon. In the meantime I plan on calling it like I see it. You may not agree with me and I am okay with that. Make your point. Let's have a discussion.

However, it ain't a free ride. I'm tired of the cranks and I'm not going to let them get a free pass anymore.

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